What do you believe about losing weight?

Do you have a weight loss goal you really want to achieve, but don't seem to be progressing towards it?

Or you can't get started?

Or you've lost weight before only to regain it all and wonder what's the point?

Without realising what's driving our actions, we can seem unmotivated. Then get frustrated and angry at ourselves. After all, this is really important to us, so why aren't we able to get moving, get ourselves to do the things that will help us lose weight?

The typical way to create a result is to focus on what to do. Which, when it comes to weight loss is obviously food and movement. And to get us to start 'doing' we use willpower. We force ourselves to do it and it feels hard because it is hard. In this modern age, willpower is a very limited commodity and quickly runs out. 

If you've read any of my other posts, you will know about the Think - Feel - Do framework that I teach my clients. This framework shows that results come from what you think.

You get what you think. Always.

So if you find yourself struggling, it's worth your while to stop focusing on what to do and instead find out what you think. Ok, this may sound weird for some of you, but stay with me...

This is done through what is called a Thought Download.

You simply sit down with a pen and piece of paper in front of you (I know, so old fashioned!) and write down everything you’re thinking about losing weight or whatever goal you have set for yourself. 

Your thoughts may not immediately present themselves to you, but don't give up. Keep going. Keep trying. Something will happen, something will show up...

And you may be very surprised what that is!

Your thought download is sure to reveal the mental weight that is preventing you from taking action towards your goal of reducing the physical weight.

And when it does, you know what you're really dealing with.

What's getting in your way and where your focus needs to be. Rather than the usual whipping yourself harder and trying to do more.

And if you need help with shifting those thoughts - that is what I specialise in :)

 Photo credit: Paola Aguilar from unsplash


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