Food isn’t the answer

You’re having a shit day at work, so you grab pizza for lunch

Rather than eating the lunch you packed.

When you feel flat in the afternoon, you grab some chocolate to ‘pick you up.’

Which sort of helps.

You get home from work feeling exhausted, notice you’re craving creamy pasta,

And eat a large bowl of it.

After all, it’s your favourite comfort food.

But you also want to lose some weight.

You’re tired of feeling fat and flabby.

So what do you do?

Decide to eat less…

Perhaps you make a plan of what to do – to follow.

But you struggle to follow it.

The cravings and urges to eat all the things you’re trying not to

Are so intense, so overwhelming

You eventually give in. And give up.

You start thinking, ‘What’s wrong with me.

Why don’t I have more self-control, or willpower?

But self-control and willpower aren’t actually what you need.

You’re using food as the answer to everything.

But if food fixes everything in your life and it’s suddenly removed,

What do you do?

You end up feeling deprived, like you’re missing out.

Or like food has control over you and you’re ‘out of control’ around it.

But food isn’t really the answer to everything

It’s a temporary fix at best.

And as long as food is your mechanism for coping

You’ll spend a lot of time and mental energy trying to sort out your food ‘issues.’

You’ll avoid addressing the real problem.

And stay stuck in the limbo of not getting what you want:

A life you love and body you feel amazing in.

It makes better sense to sort out what’s driving you to overeat.

So you no longer desire to.

Not only will life be more enjoyable,

Getting to and staying at your ideal weight will be effortless.

If you are ready to make real change, find the body you were born to live in

And say goodbye to dieting or restriction forever

Let’s talk.

I’d love to help.


The truth about diets


Diets don’t work