Episode 13: What to say when you talk to yourself

This week on the podcast we dive into the power of self-talk and how it can impact your ability to achieve your goals.

We have an overwhelming number of thoughts each day, most of which we aren't fully aware of.

Thoughts that either spur us or hold us back.

Your mind and body is closely linked and what you think affects how you feel.

Fear based thoughts can cause you to feel demotivated and stop you from taking action.

By learning to observe and challenge your thoughts, you can begin to shift them, rewrite unhelpful stories and choose thoughts that support your goals rather than hinder them.

Tune in to discover how you can break free from unhelpful self talk and choose which thoughts to feed.


Episode 14: What gets in the way of listening to your perfect gauge


Episode 12: You get what you believe, not what you want